
Radical Iconic Italian Design

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by Archizoom Associati
Il prototipo della lampada da terra Sanremo fu il dono di fidanzamento di Dario Bartolini a Lucia Morozzi, offerto nella villa di Roccamare, progettata da Ernesto Nathan Rogers. Sanremo è costituita da un esile fusto metallico e da una chioma, simile a quella di una palma stilizzata, formata da foglie lanceolate di metacrilato trasparente o verde fluorescente che irradiano la luce. Il prototipo prevedeva anche un sonoro, simile al canto di un grillo, che è stato eliminato nella produzione seriale.


«Le nostre visioni erano scintille e alla base c’era il rifiuto del mondo che ci circondava e ogni occasione era buona per concretizzare la nostra visione del mondo. Il nostro desiderio era ridisegnare il mondo… faccio un oggetto con cui vivo, piacevolmente, sensitivamente all’ennesima potenza l’attimo che mi spetta di vivere. Me lo godo, me lo costruisco e lo restituisco agli altri attraverso la mia esperienza… Poiché facevamo architettura, in molti hanno analizzato la nostra idea del progetto, ma queste cose sono nate per occasioni diverse, come un fidanzamento, un matrimonio».


[Lucia Bartolini, 2007]


Per richiedere informazioni scrivere a info@poltronova.it, per un preventivo a sales@poltronova.it.



  • anno1968
  • tipologialampada da terra
  • dimensioni95[l] x 95[p] x 225[a] cm
  • materiali[foglie] PMMA tagliato al laser
    [base] metallo laccato nero metallizzato
    [palo] metallo laccato bianco perlato
  • coloritrasparente / verde fluorescente
  • lampadina1 x LED GU10 8W [max] 6400K
  • peso12 kg
  • downloadscheda prodotto | istruzioni



  • 1968First presented at the 8th Salone del Mobile, Milan
  • 1972Italy: The New Domestic Landscape, Museum of Modern Art, New York
  • 1991Mobili Italiani 1961-1991. Le varie età dei linguaggi, Triennale, Milan
  • 1998La tecnica e le forme. Lampade italiane tra il 1946 e il 1996, Salone Internazionale del Mobile ed Euroluce, Milan
  • 2005Italian Beauty 100 Esemplari Al Top, Stadio, Florence
  • 2007Archizoom Associati 1966–1974, Ecole Polytechnique Federale De Lausanne, Lausanne | Il Modo Italiano, MART, Rovereto, Italy; Musee Des Beaux-Arts De Montréal, Montréal
  • 2007-2009Italian Genius Now, Museum of Fine Arts, Hanoi; White House, Singapore; Korean Design Centre, Seoul; Italian Cultural Institute, Tokyo; Xue-Xue Centre, Taipei; Italian Cultural Institute, New Delhi; MACRO, Rome
  • 2010Biennale Internazionale del Design, Palazzo dei Capitani, Ascoli Piceno, Italy
  • 2012Italian Genius Now, Santander Cultural, Porto Alegre, Brazil
  • 2014Festival Cortona On The Move, IV Edition, Cortona, Italy | Heretical Design, MARCA, Catanzaro, Italy
  • 2015Creativa Produzione: La Toscana e il design Italiano 1950–1990, Fondazione Ragghianti, Lucca, Italy
  • 2017Radical Utopias: Beyond architecture: Florence 1966—1976, Fondazione Palazzo Strozzi, Florence
  • 2018Radical Utopias: Beyond architecture: Florence 1966 — 1976, CCA, Montreal | Joeuts à Jouer: Objects in the forest, Istituto Italiano di Cultura, Brussels | Vegetal House, MUMEDI, Mexico City
  • 2019Vitra booth, Salone del Mobile, Milan | I–Made — Italian Manufacture Art & Design exhibition, Saatchi Gallery, London
  • 2023Ultrafavola: Poltronova beyond the mirror, Milano Design Week, Design Variations, Circolo Filologico Milanese, Milan


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🦄 ULTRAFAVOLA: Poltronova beyond the mirror
Milano Design Week 2023
On the occasion of Milan Design Week 2023, Centro Studi Poltronova renews its synergy with Mosca Partners for Design Variations, this time crossing the threshold of the Palazzo del Circolo Filologico Milanese in the heart of the Brera Design District. From 17 to 23 April, the Tuscan company will take centre stage. In the large and evocative Liberty Hall, under the luminous eye of a suggestive skylight, in a maze of rooms suspended in space and time, iconic objects and unusual new proposals will be displayed as if they had jumped out of one of the over ten thousand volumes of the library of the city's oldest cultural association that has its headquarters here. With ULTRAFAVOLA, inspired by its own “best seller”, the Ultrafragola mirror designed by Ettore Sottsass, the Centro Studi Poltronova, just like in Lewis Carroll's novel Through the Looking Glass and what Alice Found There, invites you to go beyond reflective surfaces to discover the magical dimension of part of its fantastic product catalogue. 
💡 Art direction by @_d_apostrophe_
📷 Photo by @serenaeller
📆 2023 April 17–23 
📍@design_variations, @circolofilologicomilanese, via Clerici 10, Milan
#poltronova #ultrafavola #safari #safarisofa #sanremo #sanremolamp #archizoom #archizoomassociati #milandesignweek2023 #milanodesignweek2023 #milan #design #mdw2023 #designvariations2023 #circolofilologicomilanese #breradesigndistrict  #radicaldesign #popdesign #design #italiandesign #madeinitaly #safari #safarisofa #sanremo #sanremolamp
Floor lamp designed by Archizoom Associati
The prototype of the Sanremo floor lamp was an engagement present from Dario Bartolini to Lucia Morozzi, given to her in the villa in Roccamare designed by Ernesto Nathan Rogers. Sanremo is composed of a slender metal trunk topped by “foliage” like that of a stylized palm tree, formed by lanceolate transparent or fluorescent green methacrylate leaves that radiate light. The prototype also called for a sound similar to the song of a cricket, eliminated in the production version.
«Since we were supposed to be practising architects, many people couldn’t grasp what we were up to. In reality many of our objects were created for reasons other than that of architecture: an engagement party, a wedding. Any opportunity was good enough to materialise our vision of the world». [Lucia Bartolini, 2007]
💡 Art direction by @_d_apostrophe_
📷 Photo by @serenaeller
🙏 Rug by @cc_tapis 
📍 @contemporary_cluster, Brancaccio Palace, Rome
#poltronova #archizoom #archizoomassociati  #sanremo #sanremolamp #radicaldesign #popdesign #design #italiandesign #madeinitaly
Floor lamp designed by Archizoom Associati
The prototype of the Sanremo floor lamp was an engagement present from Dario Bartolini to Lucia Morozzi, given to her in the villa in Roccamare designed by Ernesto Nathan Rogers. Sanremo is composed of a slender metal trunk topped by “foliage” like that of a stylized palm tree, formed by lanceolate transparent or fluorescent green methacrylate leaves that radiate light. The prototype also called for a sound similar to the song of a cricket, eliminated in the production version.
«Since we were supposed to be practising architects, many people couldn’t grasp what we were up to. In reality many of our objects were created for reasons other than that of architecture: an engagement party, a wedding. Any opportunity was good enough to materialise our vision of the world». [Lucia Bartolini, 2007]
📷 Photo by @serenaeller
📍 @contemporary_cluster, Brancaccio Palace, Rome
#poltronova #archizoom #archizoomassociati  #sanremo #sanremolamp #radicaldesign #popdesign #design #italiandesign #madeinitaly
Floor lamp designed by Archizoom Associati
The prototype of the Sanremo floor lamp was an engagement present from Dario Bartolini to Lucia Morozzi, given to her in the villa in Roccamare designed by Ernesto Nathan Rogers. Sanremo is composed of a slender metal trunk topped by “foliage” like that of a stylized palm tree, formed by lanceolate transparent or fluorescent green methacrylate leaves that radiate light. The prototype also called for a sound similar to the song of a cricket, eliminated in the production version.
«Since we were supposed to be practising architects, many people couldn’t grasp what we were up to. In reality many of our objects were created for reasons other than that of architecture: an engagement party, a wedding. Any opportunity was good enough to materialise our vision of the world». [Lucia Bartolini, 2007]
📷 Photo by @serenaeller
📍 @contemporary_cluster, Brancaccio Palace, Rome
#poltronova #archizoom #archizoomassociati  #sanremo #sanremolamp #radicaldesign #popdesign #design #italiandesign #madeinitaly
Sanremo, floor lamp by Archizoom, Elle Decor Design Forever, Palazzo Bovara, Milan Design Week 2022.
Studio Calvi Brambilla choosed Poltronova for Palazzo Bovara. The exhibition curated by one of the most eclectic and interesting realities of the Italian scene, showed PASSIFLORA by Superstudio in the Pure Room. 
The PASSIFLORA lighting fixture originated from a cardboard model painted for the exhibition “Superarchitecture” (1966) manifesto of Radical Design. The cardboard was replaced by a material transparent to light, transforming Passiflora into a luminous column trunk: a column whose deformed shape oscillates between the natural and the artificial, in a game of allusions and ambiguity, corresponding to Superstudio's declaration of intent, summarized in the text Design d'invenzione e design d'evasione.

📍 Palazzo Bovara, corso Venezia 51, Milan
💡 Exhibition design by @calvibrambilla
📷 Photo by @serenaeller
🙏 Thanks to @elledecoritalia
#poltronova #archizoom #archizoomassociati #sanremo #sanremolamp #radicaldesign #popdesign #design #italiandesign #madeinitaly #elledecoritalia #elledecor #calvibrambilla #designforever #milanodesignweek #milandesignweek #mdw2022 #milandesignweek2022