
Radical Iconic Italian Design

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by Archizoom Associati
Il divano Safari è una seduta multipla con il profilo dello schienale configurato in una serie di onde, nel vuoto centrale, cui si accede mediante un varco, ci si raccoglie come in una sorta di rito tribale. Il mobile è composto da quattro pezzi di due diversi tipi [due moduli poltrona e due moduli divanetto]. Il divano Safari viene messo in produzione per la prima volta da Poltronova nel 1968. Per la struttura viene utilizzata la tecnica sperimentale del fiberglass. Per il rivestimento di seduta e schienale gli Archizoom scelgono un tessuto animalier stampato con motivo a macchia di leopardo. Lo stesso motivo viene utilizzato per il tappeto in poliuretano espanso collocato in mezzo alle sedute. La scelta dell’animalier leopardo aveva un richiamo colto nell’opera “Bedroom ensemble” [1963] di Claes Oldenburg, maestro della Pop Art inglese, e della sua successiva “Leopard chair”, ma anche a un gusto Kitsch adottato dal gruppo in polemica con la necessità del far conseguire la forma dalla funzione. È parte della collezione permanente di prestigiose istituzioni museali tra cui il Centre Pompidou e il Museo di Belle Arti di Montréal. Ha preso parte a numerose esposizioni.


Per richiedere informazioni scrivere a info@poltronova.it, per un preventivo a sales@poltronova.it.



  • anno1967
  • tipologiadivano
  • dimensioni85/130[l] x 85/130[p] x 64[a] cm
  • materiali[struttura] vetroresina
    [imbottitura] schiuma poliuretanica
    [rivestimento] pelliccia sintetica con motivo a macchie di leopardo
    [tappeto] schiuma poliuretanica rivestita in pelliccia sintetica con motivo a macchie di leopardo
  • colori[struttura] bianco / nero
    [rivestimento] maculato grigio / maculato marrone
  • peso[configurazione 2 poltrone + 2 divani] 159,5 kg
    [modulo poltrona] 29 kg
    [modulo divano] 49 kg
    [tappeto] 3,5 kg
  • downloadscheda prodotto | istruzioni



  • 2017Radical Utopias: Beyond architecture: Florence 1966–1976, Fondazione Palazzo Strozzi, Florence
  • 2018Radical Utopias: Beyond architecture: Florence 1966–1976, CCA Canadian Centre for Architecture, MMontréal
  • 2022Afro-Tyrolean Kitsch. Milano Design Week. Fondazione Sozzani, Milan
  • 2023Ultrafavola. Poltronova beyond the mirror, Milano Design Week, Milan


#safari on Instagram

My sofa is a jungle, Safari is the king of the jungle. 🐆

Everyone, please, take your seats. THIS IS SAFARI SOFA 🐆
#Poltronova #Safari #SafariSofa #Archizoom #ArchizoomAssociati #InteriorDesign #DesignIcon #PoltronovaRevolution #ItalianDesign #HomeDecor #DesignInspiration #FurnitureDesign #DesignInspo #DesignLovers #UniqueDesign #IconicFurniture #DesignClassics
Did you know that Safari sofa is composed by two armchair modules and two sofa modules? 🦏
📷 Photo by @serenaeller @ellerstudio 
💡 Art direction by @_d_apostrophe_
#Poltronova #Safari #SafariSofa #Archizoom #ArchizoomAssociati #InteriorDesign #DesignIcon #PoltronovaRevolution #ItalianDesign #HomeDecor #DesignInspiration #FurnitureDesign #DesignInspo #DesignLovers #UniqueDesign #IconicFurniture #DesignClassics
🦄 ULTRAFAVOLA: Poltronova beyond the mirror
Milano Design Week 2023
On the occasion of Milan Design Week 2023, Centro Studi Poltronova renews its synergy with Mosca Partners for Design Variations, this time crossing the threshold of the Palazzo del Circolo Filologico Milanese in the heart of the Brera Design District. From 17 to 23 April, the Tuscan company will take centre stage. In the large and evocative Liberty Hall, under the luminous eye of a suggestive skylight, in a maze of rooms suspended in space and time, iconic objects and unusual new proposals will be displayed as if they had jumped out of one of the over ten thousand volumes of the library of the city's oldest cultural association that has its headquarters here. With ULTRAFAVOLA, inspired by its own “best seller”, the Ultrafragola mirror designed by Ettore Sottsass, the Centro Studi Poltronova, just like in Lewis Carroll's novel Through the Looking Glass and what Alice Found There, invites you to go beyond reflective surfaces to discover the magical dimension of part of its fantastic product catalogue. 
💡 Art direction by @_d_apostrophe_
📷 Photo by @serenaeller
📆 2023 April 17–23 
📍@design_variations, @circolofilologicomilanese, via Clerici 10, Milan
#poltronova #ultrafavola #safari #safarisofa #sanremo #sanremolamp #archizoom #archizoomassociati #milandesignweek2023 #milanodesignweek2023 #milan #design #mdw2023 #designvariations2023 #circolofilologicomilanese #breradesigndistrict  #radicaldesign #popdesign #design #italiandesign #madeinitaly #safari #safarisofa #sanremo #sanremolamp
🐆 Safari
imperial sofa by Archizoom Associati
The Safari sofa is a multiple seat with the profile of the backrest shaped like a series of waves, one gathers in the central void, accessed through an opening, as in a sort of tribal ritual. The piece of furniture consists of four pieces of two different types [two armchair modules and two sofa modules]. The Safari sofa was put into production for the first time by Poltronova in 1968. The experimental fibreglass technique was used for the structure. For the seat and backrest upholstery, Archizoom chose a printed animal pattern fabric with a Leopard print. The same pattern is used for the polyurethane foam carpet placed between the seats. The choice of the leopard pattern was a cultured reference to the work Bedroom ensemble [1963] by Claes Oldenburg, master of English Pop Art, and his subsequent Leopard chair, but also to a Kitsch taste adopted by the group in polemic with the need to make form follow function. It is part of the permanent collection of prestigious museums including the Centre Pompidou and the Museum of Fine Arts in Montreal. It has taken part in numerous exhibitions.
💡 Art direction by @_d_apostrophe_
#poltronova #archizoom #archizoomassociati #safari #safarisofa #radicaldesign #popdesign #design #italiandesign #madeinitaly
Safari by Archizoom, Afro-Tyrolean Kitsch, Fondazione Sozzani, Milan Design Week 2022.
📍 @fondazionesozzani, 10 Corso Como, Milan
💡 Art direction by @_d_apostrophe_
📷 Photo by @serenaeller
#poltronova #archizoom #archizoomassociati #safari #safarisofa #radicaldesign #popdesign #design #italiandesign #madeinitaly #fondazionesozzani #10corsocomo #milanodesignweek #milandesignweek #mdw2022 #milandesignweek2022